School - golf club Leone

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School - golf club Leone

Post by pitrack_1 » Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:38 am

Toonga's Nannadan brought back the following memory for me...

Back at school in the late 80's there was a period where I did golf for sport with a young, likeable teacher that was a competent player (I think his handicap was 4, at least until he took up teaching full time ;-) ) on golf-minding duties. He drove a Subaru Leone sedan similar to Nannadan, but red and slightly newer- 82/83 I think, with the singular rectangular headlamps.

We were fortunate to have a golf course within a 2 km walking distance. Basically we'd wander down during lunchtime, play our approx 9 holes and either (supposedly) wander off directly home or back to school to catch the bus. We soon worked out with the teacher to transport our clubs for us. Generally if you caught him at school you could put your clubs in his car to take to/from the club, and on the way back if you were lucky you could also get a lift...

...Well, one day for some reason I can't remember (late for bus? extra HSC study?) it turned out that the 'lift' back had been, in airline parlance, overbooked and some persons needed to be 'bumped.' But people needed to get back so it was decided that we'd all pile in "just this once" and if I remember rightly, 6-7 of us plus the teacher plus clubs piled into the little red Subie for the trip back. I think there was 4-5 across the back seat; we had to close the doors on them. Three of us across the front including the teacher/driver with me in the middle straddling the transmission hump. The clubs didn't all fit in the boot so a couple of bags were also across those in the rear, maybe one in the front too. We must've been a sight with the nose up and the bum dragging on the way back!

The trip back was undulating with (of course) a set of lights for a right-turn at the top of a steepish hill. And of course the lights changed as we approached...slowly, unable to build any speed on the hill. We all knew the result wasn't going to be nice, and it wasn't... when the lights went green, the engine revved, the clutch was slipped, the car groaned and slowly proceed to gain just enough speed to turn the corner. It was downhill from there, a relief for everyone including the Subie.

Back at school we all piled out. After that it was determined the whilst the golf clubs might come back in the car, any extra persons would be walking from now on... :-)
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Post by El_Freddo » Fri Jan 06, 2017 8:18 pm


Once on the downhill stretch I'd be concerned about the braking capacity :p


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