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unplugged ISP Mon, OE still works Friday ??

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 1:51 pm
by steptoe
OK, this is weird or what ?

I unplugged my dodongle on Monday in order to not go over my allowance coz then the over run rate costs almost ten fold !

Pulled it out without safe removal technique too !!

OE is set to an dodo email, so is all the jargon inside, dodo even told me I would lose my dodo email address (whoopdy effing dooo) Have been surfing via a XXXXXX wifi portable thing tethered to my PC so no wifi to share with neighbours due to a thing to delete it from even broadcasting it exists and then limited to one pirate only.

Next thing I know, looking into OE to find an email with a link - coz it someties needs a tickle to get net viewer going via a click on a link

and flipping emails been getting through to me up to today the 20th.
Included was an email saying I had successfully closed my dododo account and would cease as of of the 23 - always been the 17th though.

So, if I have not adjusted my pop mail settings from anything, did my dodo mail use the XXXXXX data supply ?
Must have ??

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 5:30 pm
Would say yes to that ... I think?

was the mail sent to your dodo account or another account?


Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 7:00 pm
by steptoe
it was sent to the dodo account, so it works not like I thought !
I had better work out how to get in there and remove its message guide stuff !