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book - undercover prop

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:49 am
by steptoe
anyone read it ?

I have found bits here ... CHAQ6AEwDw

and reckon it is worth a read. Was recommended to me some time back talking to a former undercover cop who spent 2 years working on putting someone away under the same states legislation, certain that the someone had bumped off a few people in his path beforehand. He is back in uniform on the train to work, looks up from reading his paper to see the person opposite was the guy supposedly got mandatory life - a distinctive scar IDing him from anyone else.

This copper was so poo scared he got off the train at the next stop, ran to the nearest police station, made enquiries and found the guy put away had been released alegedly due to some alleged deal with the powers that be.He contacted his colleagues that were on the same job. Think they all left the job soon after. he never workd another day in the job.

SBS Insight last night had a former undercover cop still having ID protected from the media - had an experience that resulted in unpleasant stuff.

Now looking for the whole bok to read ....

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:17 am
by JPM
I've got the book, read it.

It's not too bad a read, but not as good as the very similar 'The Streets' or 'The Streets 2'.

If you get stuck and can't find an easily available copy, let me know and we can organise some kind of Australia wide library system...


Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:16 pm
by steptoe
Thanks Jayd, found one on amazon for $94 and some postage - get real !! Good bookstores should still be able to get it in @24.99 or the panmac publisher can even do an e version if I was e- quipped to deal with that notion :)

Just another task in life :)