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RIP - Casey Adam Naylor 15-02-2009

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:32 pm
by cruzingbrumby
To all the people on here, I know there was a few that have met Casey, so will just post this up so everyone knows.

Casey tragically drowned in the backyard swimming pool in Jakarta Indonesia on 15-02-2009.

He Battled from the start of his life having a brain tumour removed at the age of 3, he was also mildly autistic. Although he had all these problems, he never gave up at anything he tried and he was always happy and loving, he was only just learning to talk at the age of 4 when he passed but everyone that met him remembered and loved his infectious pure innocent personality, he was a credit to the human race and if everyone was like him, i think there would be a lot less hatred and wars on this planet.

I know my little man is in a better place, but miss him a lot, all i ever wished for was to be able to have a proper conversation with him, but alas that will have to wait until my time here is done. I hope none of you have to lose a child, especially one so young, it will be the worst thing that ever happens to me i am sure of that.

Cherish every second with your kids as you just never know, this is a cruel and unforgiving world we live in.

If any of you are on facebook we created a group in his memory (**Casey Adam Naylor** 18.2.05 - 15.2.09)

When I'm back on track, we are also going to start a foundation in his name, specifically aimed at helping kids with autism, I am not going to let his passing be wasted or forgotten, I never want any other parent to have to go through this.

We were planning a trip around Australia when I finished the contract in Indonesia, and were in the progress of finishing off the little lifted turbo impreza, This will still happen as i am going to do the trip no matter what. I will be back from time to time to continue getting the car, ready bit by bit, conversion already done, just lift, suspension, and paint to go.

When the foundation is created i want to be able to do some sorted of fund raising from this trip but haven't really done any research or anything into what can be done or what would be feasible. Any suggestions welcome but it will be about a year or so until it becomes a reality

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:30 pm
by Matt
My condolences. If you need soemone to stay in Townsville on your way let me know.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:44 pm
by Xtreme_RX
My condolences.

My heart goes out to you & your family.
I cant imagine what you are going through.
I have no idea what I would do if I lost my little boy.....

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:18 pm
by Reg Brumbys
Thinking of you and your Family. My deepest condolences.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:37 am
by Willie
Our deepest condolences. I couldn't start to imagine what it would be like to lose either of our two kids.

We'd like to wish your family all the best in this very sad time. God bless.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:16 pm
by AlpineRaven
Our deepest condolences mate, its a heart wrenching issue, if you need a ear - let us know here. All the best...

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:58 pm
by dibs
our thoughts are with you.

we can only think what it would be like to loose someone so special.

our grandson has a brain tumor. and it breaks our heart to think he could be gone.

it realy sadens me to think these children dont get to live a full life


mr & mrs dibs

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:07 pm
by dibs
I just read your post its mrs dibs here even though mr dibs wrote our feelings for you,this must be one of the most toughest times in your lifetime ,as dibs said our grandson has a brain tumour and he is over two now so we do cherish every day of our lives with him .
Im so very sorry to hear that this has happened to you ,find comfort that if there is another life somebody or some angel will be looking after that little angel of yours take care if you ever need a place to stay on your travels round aussie please remember us here we are all here to help stay in touch della and graeme dyble

Our condolences

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:26 pm
by Jludcke86
The Subie Boys, Subie Girls and I would like to give our condolences to you and your family.

We are truely sorry for your loss.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:00 pm
by plucky
My condolences also. It's just so tragic to lose one so young, who never really got to reach their full potential and experience what life has to offer.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:53 am
by subasurf
My condolences mate. That was a heart wrenching post to read, because it took me a moment to realise you were writing about your own child. I'm sorry for you loss and I'm just sorry that it's such a fvcking shit world we live in when things like this happen to those most innocent of people. Sounds like the lad was a top little kid with a golden heart and that's just what the world needs more of. I commend you for wanting to make sure his passing was not wasted and in vain; that's certainly the best way to honour his memory.

Best of luck (such a pathetic thing to say).