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The Army

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:08 pm
by rob83ke70
Anyone here in the army or the army reserve? I'm assuming the basic training is the same for either, can anyone tell me what would be involved in the training?

Thinking about the merits of joining the army reserve...


Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:46 pm
by Busdriver
Not me, but my old man was for years, got paid well to go on two weeks at a time training and had a break from four screaming kids at the same time as well as picked up new skills.Think he had to do this three times a year so need to have a good boss at regular job.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:49 pm
by rob83ke70
I have a pretty good boss at my current job. The thing that was concerning me is the whole basic training thing. I'm a little anti-conformist or something like that and I'm not sure If I like the idea of being decomissioned and recomissioned as a soldier. I'm not a violent or aggressive type of person either (unless I get riled up for a LONG time over something, and even then I don't really stick up for myself how I should)

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:53 pm
by Busdriver
Mate, have a Google at the Army reserve and see what comes up, my old man was in there since before I can remember and I am only going off my memory.
Let me know what you find out. I too am thinking of doing this but am too fat and lazy at this stage to do any more than think about it.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:01 pm
by lovey80
Mate violent or aggressive traits aren't needed or welcomed in the Army so you can forget about that being a requirement.

Unless it has changed recently Basic training is 10-12 weeks, at one stage army reservists could break this up into 3 modules but I would not advise taking this option if it is still available. Get the time off and get it done in one hit. After that depending on what Corps you chose there is Initial employment training which is like basic training in the corps that you join (Liverpool sydney = Engineers, Singleton = infantry etc).

Infantry is good fun for a short term fix if you are a reservist but will get boring very quickly. Try Engineers, they are always doing different stuff from Explosive Demolitions, to watermanship training to building all kinds of stuff.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:04 pm
by Wilbur
Basic is no longer the same. Chokos (reserve) are shorter these days. My mate is in Sigs if you want to ask a current reservist something. He will give you no bull answers if you want a contact. It's not for everyone. They do crush you in basic. Yelling, screaming, pti you to beyond what you thought you could do and basically push you as far as they can and try and break you. But at the same time build you up into what they require. They want to smash your mould and rebuild you. After that it gets better.

I think there are a couple of full time RAA guys and a RAN guy on here and a few ex's. They can probably give you a history of what they experianced.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:30 pm
by Matt
Goggle Army Reserves, and don't believe a word that recruiters say, unless it is in Black and White!!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:31 pm
Matt wrote:Goggle Army Reserves, and don't believe a word that recruiters say, unless it is in Black and White!!!!

Hmmmm - want to qualify that to an actual recruiter?? Integrity and honesty is a very important trait for recruiters and I think that it is pretty generalised statement there...:rolleyes:

Call them up and put your case forward. I can give you the info but best you call in and get them to sort you out - you are then on the system and you will be managed correctly. Chinese whispers and half truths wont get you far but looing at:

and you will put you on the right path...


Rob Forsyth
Training Quality Manager
Headquarters, Defence Force Recruiting

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:10 pm
by chubby37
i actually know of a guy who was on the entry with me that when asked why he wanted to join the army his reply was....I WANT TO KILL PEOPLE SIR........he never made it any further

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:59 am
by Subyroo
Matt wrote:Goggle Army Reserves, and don't believe a word that recruiters say, unless it is in Black and White!!!!


Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:12 pm
by rob83ke70
Still thinking about it... Still undecided really...

Its probably like anything else that you could get involved in: there will always be some idiots in there, but a lot of good guys as well.

I think I will work on my fitness over the next year, and I really want to learn the bagpipes as well, and think about it. We will see what happens in a year :)


Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:29 pm
by Matt

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:26 pm
by Willie
There's something for everyone in the Army - visit a recruiting centre, let them know what you're interested in or skills you already have and they can match you to trade / corps. If you know a specific job you want, stick to that and don't let them talk you into something else.

I've been in for a very long time now and still enjoy it. My parents originally let me join because they thought I'd be sent back within a month!

Do yourself a favour and go along for a chat - it could open up a facinating new world with so many opportunities, you'll wonder why you never did it years ago.


Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:14 am
by tex
P.M. me with your Email address or a mobile number and I can fill you in sorry but I haven't read the whole post yet however will endeavor too. P.S. Whatever I cant answer I can find out or tell you exactly who can, i.e. the companys paid to do the recuitment are useless.