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Trip Report: Wimmera River 10JUL - 15JUL12

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:05 pm
by El_Freddo
G'day all,

This was our much anticipated touring trip for some time now. It *should* have been longer, as I'm sure Venom and Dulagarl would agree.

For those that might know of the Wimmera River in Victoria you might thing it's not a lot of fun. Well what I've learnt about it in the last 9 months or so have blown me away, it's a river system that starts in the Mt Cole area that also takes water from the Grampians; it flows in a general north westerly direction before ending in a series of terminal lakes where it evaporates at some point, usually in the first or second lake these days. I'd love to see the last lake full, that'd be amazing!

To get the report underway, I'll start with these two pics - where we started and where we ended to show the contrast of the many different environments we travelled through on this trip.

Mt Cole:


Wirraglen Plain (got that right Dulagarl?)


We all arrived about an hour from the 1st to the last at the Ditchfield's camp in Mt Cole, as the first pic above. I'm glad I was there to represent the H4 subaru, seems we're being "inundated" by H6's!

Here's one of Ruby Scoo with 3 people and gear/food for 5 days:


This trip was aimed at following the Wimmera River as close as possible. We saw a few other things of interest along the way. Here's the start of the river, as close as we could get to it's very start without going bush bashing:


Here's the river later in Mt Cole:


We found the 37th Parallel near Joel Joel:


Here's a series of crossings on the Wimmera River, note the height of the debris from the floods last year:




Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:05 pm
by El_Freddo
Flood damage to the Dimboola weir:


^ apparently not the only engineering failure of this type on the river!

The last river crossing before camp, the water peaked just under .4m, it dropped by morning. So much for the flood warning!


Camp on night two. It was a good fire night and we were all dry - until about 6am when it bucketed down.


We packed everything up before breakfast and headed back towards the dimboola road break for some shelter and breakfast. It was a bit of a back track but it meant that we could then follow the river road from where Dulagarl had planned to the day before. And good driving it was! Dulagarl was the only one to get stuck when following the track. It was the typical scenario that has you knowing it's all wrong beyond the point of no return.

It was snatch time, in slippery conditions such as these it was necessary to take extra precautions so that we didn't have two vehicles stuck or a vehicle end up on it's roof. We had enough trouble just walking in this area!



The H4 was hin this pic for it's good looks and natural charm :p

Dulagarl washing off after getting stuck. The sun was coming out which was great to see:


Pulled over for a snack:



Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:06 pm
by El_Freddo
Later on we had lunch and a drying session, it looked like a bit of a garage sale:


One that didn't make it!


Here's the last bridge on the Wimmera River as we headed to Lake Hindmarsh, it's the old main road's bridge. This image comes with one of those "follow me" stories for another day:


We then spent 40 minutes cleaning mud out from the rear left guard of Ruby Scoo - I collected so much that I could have filled a 20L bucket with the sticky stuff!



After dropping into Lake Hindmarsh we headed to Rainbow to fuel up before heading to the area that I know I was hanging out for - the sand 4wd'n of the trip, starting at Lake Albacutya. At Rainbow the supermarket did one of those scenes from the movies where it goes dead quiet and everyone stops what they're doing to stare at the out of towners - us. Classic.

Fuel prices the same a Bendigo - even though it's about 4 or 5 hours from Melbourne:


Then we aired down for some deep sand. It was a great start to the sand 4wd'n for the next few days. I was so excited about it that I didn't get a pic of the airing down or the sand 4wd'n.

At camp we saw some evidence of ***tards that had been 2wd'n off track, got bogged and created a big mess. We saw more evidence of this in a revegetation area too :( And people wonder why areas get closed down!

Later that night we saw a couple of storms off in the distance with yellow lightening flashes - it was really something to see! I got this image to share, not the best on for obvious reasons! The last one I took scared the shit out of me, 10 minutes later we were in a monsoonal like downpour that lasted most of the night!



Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:07 pm
by El_Freddo
Camp in the morning:


My mate Jordan got flooded out in his swag, ended up sleeping in the Dulagarl foz for the night!

I love this image, it's a bit trippy, and yes, I spun the camera upside down:


During this 4th day we checked out Wonga camp ground, a massive area with some interesting environmental features that we also looked at. We had lunch there and dried out some gear under shelter.


We then headed to camp via eagle track or the north south track as I think it's also known. It was a good bit of driving and the sand conditions were great. I still needed to back up once or twice when tackling a hill in the wrong gear :???: Good fun though.

There was a bit of rain around too, it made for an interesting pic:


Camp was a cool one, shared with a family who were far enough away that we weren't encroaching on eachother. Kez and I set up an Opera House tribute with our camper and tarp:


On the 5th day we did a walk for the best part of the day to check out some of the areas that we didn't have access to by vehicle. It was an interesting part of the overall trip not having vehicles to use for this section. We all slept very well that night!

After the walk we continued on to our last camp for the trip - snow drift. More ***tard activity with vehicles being driven on top of the impressive white dune where they're not meant to be. Once again plenty of children's footprints around too.

We had an interesting drive out to camp, some rain about that made for a great back drop with the setting sun:




Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:07 pm
by El_Freddo
At camp:


It was a cold night with some great stars out once again. On our last day before heading home we visited the old river red gum. The tree was still magnificent, but once again, more ***tard activity - people vandalising the tree itself and a number of vehicles driving to the tree rather than doing the short walk from the carpark. It was very disappointing to see. Unfortunately I can't see this changing any time soon.

On our way out to the tree we found this tree still smouldering from a lightening strike, probably a result of the storm we saw on the 3rd night:


And this brings us to the last real image of the trip - the carpark near the old tree on the Wirraglen plain:


From here we headed west together before leaving Venom who was lucky enough to spend another day out here. Dulagarl and my crew headed off, aired up and had lunch beside a very windy lake in Hopetoun. From here we each made our way home on our own. I went in search of my mobile phone but turned up nothing. It was great to re-visit some of those places so soon.

I'd like to thank Venom for organising the trip's dates and Dulagarl for hosting it. Kez and I had a great time as I'm sure Jordan did too. I'm really looking forward to the next one!



Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:50 pm
by thunder039
great trip report bennie! looks like a great time and some good tracks. the rain made the conditions fun by the looks of it. great pics

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:31 pm
by hydrowill
Looks wicked. Pretty jealous of your cars.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:55 pm
by yarney
Great report Bennie


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:37 am
by El_Freddo
thunder039 wrote:great trip report bennie! looks like a great time and some good tracks. the rain made the conditions fun by the looks of it. great pics
The wet and winter cold weather made the trip quite different to those times we've been out in the warmer months. It tested our gear and the way we do things before bed or around breakfast time in terms of the gear used and how we go about cleaning it - do it after you use it or do it later...

The testing of the gear was good too. I've learnt a few things to look out for on products such as tents etc. Our roof top camper has been a great learning curve. Still got a few things to sort out on it and it'll be sorted I reckon!
hydrowill wrote:Looks wicked. Pretty jealous of your cars.
Thanks hydrowill. If you're after something like these do your research and collect the parts, put in some elbow grease (truck load!) and you'll be there before you know it!
yarney wrote:Great report Bennie
Thanks Jan.

And now comes a video of the only recovery situation we had on the trip:




Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:13 pm
by RSR 555
Awesome write up Bennie and looked like good fun. Love the pics :cool:

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:40 pm
by El_Freddo
Thanks Paul. It really goes to Venom and Dulagarl - they organised and implemented the whole thing - I was there for the ride :mrgreen:



Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:11 pm
by sven '2'
El_Freddo wrote:
After dropping into Lake Hindmarsh we headed to Rainbow to fuel up before heading to the area that I know I was hanging out for - the sand 4wd'n of the trip, starting at Lake Albacutya. At Rainbow the supermarket did one of those scenes from the movies where it goes dead quiet and everyone stops what they're doing to stare at the out of towners - us. Classic.

This makes me laugh. Should have tried the pub!!

In a true 6 degrees of separation thing, I am from Rainbow, and the store you mention was in my family for 50-odd years. As was the Ford, International and Holden dealers (all long gone now)

I learnt to swim and waterski in Albacutya (hard to believe as has been dry since early 80s). Dad and I canoed from Hindmarch to Albacutya along Outlet Creek. Hard to imagine now.

Hindmarsh had been dry since about 1992 until a couple of years ago, and back in the day, was a real social hub for skiing, camping, fishing, motorbikes, shooting, all the good stuff.

And speaking of downpours, Jepartit had its entire annual rainfall in one night a few years back.

Thanks for the photos - brings back a lot of fond memories - esp the mud which would seize up a motorbike wheel in no time.

Amazing country

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:33 pm
by El_Freddo
sven '2' wrote:Thanks for the photos - brings back a lot of fond memories - esp the mud which would seize up a motorbike wheel in no time.
No worries, glad you enjoyed them! I'll be back up there some time that's for sure!
sven '2' wrote:Amazing country
Yes it certainly is!!

