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What's Better?

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:03 pm
by smoov
32/36 DGV, or 32/36 DGAV?

was speaking to a carby specialist just now about the weber conversion.

I did enquire about chokes and whatnot, he reckons the manual ones are best, But i like the idea that my subaru has an automatic one (not that it works that brilliantly :roll: )

When I told him I had one, he seemed keen about trading it in for a reco'd DGAV he has.

Got me thinking.

Should I keep the DGV for myself, and get the manual choke set up for it? Or should I trade it in for a DGAV, and enjoy the laziness of auto choke?

I remember Cameron mentioning that the older DGV's had better emulsion tubes. Does that make such a big difference? Why is it better?


Im now excited that im finally getting underway with this.



Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:53 pm
by BaronVonChickenPants
I've been told that generally you don't even need the choke but I don't know what sort of climate this is based on.

I have a DGEV which I plan to install on my white beastie, I like the idea of the auto choke too, I had no trouble adjusting the auto choke to work nicely on the EA82 carb I fitted to mine, I see no reason why the Weber should be any harder, just a matter of trail and error, little twist forward, little twist back.
