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Victoria desert trip July 2012

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:34 am
by Venom
Hey guys,

I am planning something like a week long desert trip for my next break in July. I am thinking wyperfeld/big desert, but open to something else. Also considering maybe a wimmera river trip following it from its start in Mt Cole to the final lake and its massive red gum.

Dates i am available are 10th-20th of July, not really concerned where it fall in that 10 days.


Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:51 am
by thunder039
as much as i would love to come any spare time i have will be spent at the snow during thoes dates :D

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:52 am
by Venom
Considering border track as well.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:01 am
by Venom
Also going to consider border track with some of the wimmera lakes for a camp spot on the way to/from.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:31 pm
by El_Freddo
I was going to PM you/bookface you to ask about what we should look at doing next. I'm super keen for this trip!

I think bboypebs is looking into a border track expedition later in the year - maybe hook up on that trip with him and do this trip as the desert expedition :D

My only issues that would stop me from attending would be the dates - the earlier section of your available dates up to the 15th would at this stage suit me best! I'm hoping to be employed from the 16th in a school for the start of term 3. That said, what I hope to do and what happens are two entirely different things these days!

I'll hit up Kez to come with and bring the roof top tent/camper with us :D Time to get a few things sorted:

1) a new snatch strap
2) fix up my dual battery system - battery needs attention :(
3) get cracking on my rear cargo setup. More welding!

Something to look forward to :D



Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:33 am
by pezimm
I'm keen, but not available until early August... Bummer!

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:52 pm
by Venom
Dulagarl wrote:haven't done border track, but it's do-able. All depends on trip duration.

I reckon in order to travel from Mt Cole to Wirrenge and take in all that is worth seeing is a four to five nighter. Border track would extend that by a couple of nights.

Depends on how much driving you want and how much walking / looking around you want.


night one Mt Cole: meet.
night two: near Dimboola
night three: Lake Albacutya or thereabouts
night four: southern Wyperfeld
Night five: Wirrengren Plain

Remember that in winter the days are short. The section of river between Dimboola and Albacutya could even take two days if you want to see a lot of stuff.
That is something along the lines of what i had in mind. With border track on top as an optional taking it up to 6 or 7 nights. Or no border track and enjoy a lazyish 5 or 6 night wimmera river tour.

I'm keen for a bit of a relaxed sight seeing tour rather than just pure drive all day 4wding. Have stops/sights planned and take interesting routes there. Stop before dark or shortly after, light a fire and crack a tinnie.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:22 pm
by El_Freddo
I'm SOOO looking forward to this! I'm just hoping that any potential work doesn't get in the way!



Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:18 pm
by Venom
So Dulagarl is going to be leading this trip. We'll be exploring the wimmera river from its beginnings in Mt Cole to the last terminal lake in the system, Wirrengren plane.

Copy and paste of Dulagarls last post on

Okey dokey.

venom is a bit busy at the moment, so he has asked me to do the itinerary and lead the trip.

happy to do so.

I should say at the outset that this trip will have a heavy emphasis on the Aboriginal heritage of the area and early European contact history. If this doesn't interest you, then i am sorry that you might be a bit bored and you might want to think about whether this trip is for you.

Will post an itinerary tonight, which can be subject to change once everyone is on board.

We will take in important sites in the Wotjobaluk songline of the Wimmera river, we'll see many scar trees, a corroboree ground, some very old campsites, a mission, some burial sites, some important navigation aids, and if we are prepared to do some walking (about 6 - 8 km) a place I refer to as 'Bunnings" where all manner of implements have been extracted from trees.

It won't be very hardcore offroading, but vehicles will need to be sand capable and if wet mud capable. There will be a mix of touring, offorading, and some walking.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:21 pm
by El_Freddo

I've opened the roof top camper tonight to find it growing some mould :evil: So it's had a kill mould treatment that seems to have done some good, now to get rid of the smell of chlorine! Next is to re-seal the seam that was leaking water with some sikaflex that will hopefully retain some flexibility so it won't leak later down the track.

I'm going to cut some wood this week with all going well. If I bring an extra two bags would others be willing to carry a bag to help lighten my load? I know this won't be enough for the whole trip (if everyone brings a bag each) but it should be enough to supplement what we find as we cruise around ;)

Kez will be coming with - she's also keen to hear/learn about this story. I think I might start a personal journal about it - sounds stupid but it's like the old nature diaries we had to do for uni, shit to write at the time but awesome to look back on now!

Other than that, have we got a time and place sorted to meet in Mt Cole yet? I know we're just over a week away but I've got a lot to organise and complete before we head off - I'm feeling like I need another week before we go.

I'm also still in the boat of "hope the new job doesn't get in the way" if I'm lucky enough to snag it - I'm hoping!



Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:19 am
by El_Freddo
Ok, it's 12:15am... I think I'm ready to go.

Just a quick one to say that I've got a mate coming with me as well as Kez. I've managed to organise 3 bags of wood (thanks dad!) but since there's now three of us I'll probably only be able to fit one bag.

If someone can swing up to Benders you're more than welcome to grab the other two or all three, I could do with less weight :(

What time are others headed to/arriving at Mt Cole. It might be interesting trying to get a camp up there - it's school holidays after all!

I'm guessing we've got Dulagarl and Venom - anyone I've missed??



Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:05 am
by El_Freddo
Thought I'd drop a link in here to the trip report


