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Wollemi Nat Park

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:34 pm
by subalex
Anybody interested in joining me for a day trip through Wollemi National Park in the next few weeks?

It looks like I might have a Saturday or Sunday to get out of the house now that we've got a new Nanny for Saturdays. Woohoo!

I've got the GPS and a few maps of the surrounding areas but the dedicated Wollemi NP toppo map I want is out of print at the moment. When I've got some more info I'll put it up.


Wollomi Nat drive

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 11:10 pm
by Smokey

Me deffinatly intersted, but have a wedding soon, not mine... so many things going on. Car's kind of not driveable atm too, in need of some welding. Lift busted. But as soon as i'm back online (onroad) I'm there.

Just not too sure how long it will take.. :(
