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Be warry ebay bullbar by "crankie900"

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:06 am
by tony90
I emailed a seller with a bullbar on ebay
listing no 201549134822 and querried about 2 different bars pictured.
cut and paste from my messages,-

New message from: crankie900 (423Turquoise Star)

hi Tony, All the pictures are of the same Bar as I only have one. Some pics are with out indicators the others are with indicators. Should have gone to Spec Savers

Your previous message
Hi there's 2 totally different designed bars, I don't know which one is selling.

It is the same bar

Your previous message
Hi there appears to be 2 different bars shown.
Which one is listed?

I might need to to specsavers, but at 55 haven't lost my closeup vision!
Clearly 2 different bars in pictures!
I'd be very suspect of this seller.
If its someone here on the forum, need to sort there shite out
......deleted from watch list, dont need to deal with a bull shiter

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:10 am
by TOONGA ... SwGYVW9ejo

Definitely 2 different bullbars this can be seen just by comparing the two photos.

Seller could be a little confused :)


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:02 am
by henpecked
must have fixed the photos, they seem the same to me now, one has it with indicators and black sticker, one has it without sticker and indicators, but I doubt it will sell at that price.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:14 pm
by sublime
henpecked wrote:must have fixed the photos, they seem the same to me now, one has it with indicators and black sticker, one has it without sticker and indicators, but I doubt it will sell at that price.
But the seller stated there is only one bar, yet there are clearly two in his photos.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:27 pm
by Johnny T
It may be possible he cant see the difference as theymay look the same to him.
I would of told him he should of gone somewhere else than spec savers because his getting ripped off.

when it comes to buying things off ebay I like to go and see the item before I buy it so I know what I'm getting.

Have you tried looking at the wreckers to see what they have?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:08 pm
by Nubaru
I am with Tony, of four pics, there are two different style bars. Just look at the forward brace welded in for the tube on the bar at each end. Can be seen on one pic and the other, cannot see it and can see green grass behind right where would expect to see the brace. Looked at just after 5 pm Friday 8th April 2016

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:01 am
Seller has removed photo of bullbar with indicators. now only two pictures one of bullbar with no indicators and a picture of a dent.